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Manuel 5:54 Sun Mar 10
Re: Pitch Invasion v Burnley 10/03/18
Coffee - To be fair, Sullivan was advised, or more likely told, to move away. Yea, recall Sir Trev sitting there, shaken, but certainly not stirred.

Coffee 5:48 Sun Mar 10
Re: Pitch Invasion v Burnley 10/03/18
Yes, it was a shit game. My enduring memory is of thousands of people turning towards the directors box and shouting. Sullivan looked terrified and moved away. Brooking and his wife sat quietly, just staring. They didn't move away. A very few people threw stuff, which made headlines. Most spectators simply sat there, absorbing the scenes, perhaps wondering whether to applaud the protests or condemn them.

Manuel 4:40 Sun Mar 10
Re: Pitch Invasion v Burnley 10/03/18
Yea let's all just sit back and just suffer in silence while GSB treat us like scum. Noble can fuck off.

Sydney_Iron 4:05 Sun Mar 10
Re: Pitch Invasion v Burnley 10/03/18
All i really remember was a shit game TBH, oh and Noble trying to drag that retard off the pitch LOL.

It was after that incident that the loony minority turned on Noble as some kind of traitor, funny how most in the stadium applauded him for it though!

Was talk the bloke with the flag that Noble manhandled.
would get a lifetime ban, not sure if he did, or if the OB charged him with anything, personally would say a life ban was harsh, not like he assaulted or hurt anyone.

northbanker 3:06 Sun Mar 10
Re: Pitch Invasion v Burnley 10/03/18
Those chavs who ran onto the pitch deserved everything they got when they got slapped. I remember some cunt on here moaning about hitting our "own."

scott_d 12:31 Sun Mar 10
Re: Pitch Invasion v Burnley 10/03/18
I mean the place was pretty toxic and the result was just salt in an open wound.

scott_d 12:30 Sun Mar 10
Re: Pitch Invasion v Burnley 10/03/18
Pretty sure this wasn't planned and was more a result of a losing the game 3-0.

Warchild 11:11 Sat Mar 9
Re: Pitch Invasion v Burnley 10/03/18
wd40 - you really are the biggest spastic I have ever come across, and having read this site for a number of years that is some feat.

OccupyGreenStreet 10:44 Sat Mar 9
Re: Pitch Invasion v Burnley 10/03/18
For the hard of hearing, or just thick, NO COINS WERE THROWN AT GOLD AND SULLY.

Takashi Miike 8:21 Sat Mar 9
Re: Pitch Invasion v Burnley 10/03/18
"So glad some of them got a slap on returning along side a
''behave you wanker'' shouted at them

And now so call hammers fans on here are having warm
memories about the day -Jesus get a life"

no warm memories for me. it was a shameful episode but then I'm not talking about the protesters or the lads that went on the pitch. I'm talking about the vermin bully element of the fan base that took liberties. the same cunts back in the early 90s who would have already have bought a bond, while the true fans were against the board. despicable boot licking traitorous cunts to a man, it's no shock you're one of them

wd40 8:10 Sat Mar 9
Re: Pitch Invasion v Burnley 10/03/18
Any one running on to a pitch to protest against their own team are just plan wankers .

So glad some of them got a slap on returning along side a
''behave you wanker'' shouted at them

And now so call hammers fans on here are having warm
memories about the day -Jesus get a life .
Coins were thrown at old men over 70 which was very very brave.

Then again you all got turned over with your good faith of donating money to the cause which no doubt gave someone a good holiday aboard that year so well done!

OccupyGreenStreet 7:49 Sat Mar 9
Re: Pitch Invasion v Burnley 10/03/18
We were right up high at the back of 217, next to Burnley’s fans - and they were loving going ahead and winding us up - when it started. We decided to join the growing protests and got down to the lower tiers - no stewards or anyone stopped us gathering in front of the directors seats. There were a lot of the younger fans involved, quite a few of the ones who go away. Didn’t see any coins at all - that’s a myth and paper spin. But when the pitch invasions started there were a couple of West Ham on West Ham punch ups as the invaders came back off the pitch near the tunnel and some older fans started clumping them. The younger ones came off ok as I remember. Mad times.

MaryMillingtonsGhost 5:13 Sat Mar 9
Re: Pitch Invasion v Burnley 10/03/18
mallard 5:00

Donated a bullseye to the 'fund', and remember how fucked off I felt when it was 'cancelled'.
Anyone know if any coining of the board actually occured that day?

mallard 5:00 Sat Mar 9
Re: Pitch Invasion v Burnley 10/03/18
The late cancellation of the organised protest march played a key part in this.

bruuuno 4:56 Sat Mar 9
Re: Pitch Invasion v Burnley 10/03/18
I remember trying to defend the protests to non west ham fans and theyd all been told what to think by the media.

Tomshardware 4:52 Sat Mar 9
Re: Pitch Invasion v Burnley 10/03/18
Can't believe that was 6 years ago. I went to the Burnley game in 2016, it was a travesty that West Ham won that day, Burnley hit the woodwork about 3 times and we got a lucky penalty.

Leonard Hatred 4:38 Sat Mar 9
Re: Pitch Invasion v Burnley 10/03/18
So was I.

Strange day, that was.

pdcwhu 2:17 Sat Mar 9
Re: Pitch Invasion v Burnley 10/03/18
I was there that day

Leonard Hatred 11:48 Sat Mar 9
Re: Pitch Invasion v Burnley 10/03/18
I was just thinking about this yesterday, strangely enough.

Was all that stuff pre-planned or spontaneous?

And SIX YEARS ago?


Far Cough 11:44 Sat Mar 9
Re: Pitch Invasion v Burnley 10/03/18
He's flying high.

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